Executive Director
B.A in Psychology and Literature of the University of the Andes of Bogota, with a certificate in “Negotiation and Solution of Conflicts: Tools for the Peace” of the Externado University of Colombia. She is also a contemporary dancer with schooling from the Carmen Senra School (Madrid, Spain). Renata’s training in bodywork methods for movement and somatic education has strongly influenced Prolongar®’s work, where body and movement are a cross-cutting approach in our methodologies.

Methodologies Director
Arte Terapeuta Transpersonal del Phoenix Institute of Victoria, Australia. Terapeuta Gestalt, Escuela Gestalt Bogotá. Coordinadora del programa de Arte Terapia Pediátrica que desarrolla la Fundación Daniela Jacobsen en la Fundación Cardioinfantil de Bogotá. Hace parte del Equipo de la Fundación Prolongar desde el 2018.