Three Beliefs About Meditation
Photography: Cristian Hurtado Author: Manuela Ramírez, political scientist and coordinator of monitoring and evaluation of the project La voz de dos murales of the Prolongar Foundation. During these months of
Photography: Cristian Hurtado Author: Manuela Ramírez, political scientist and coordinator of monitoring and evaluation of the project La voz de dos murales of the Prolongar Foundation. During these months of
I wonder if the person reading these words has ever wondered what reconciliation has to do with me? And am I part of the reconciliation process? Before turning to a
Author: Federico Mejía, political scientist, anthropologist and monitoring and evaluation consultant at the Prolongar Foundation After having completed the first phase of Art to Rebuild, at the launch event
Author: Renata Serna Hosie, Director of Methodologies at the Prolongar Foundation Just as silence houses all the voices of time, the vacuum stores energy in all forms. Maria Eugenia Manrique,