Encuentros que Reconcilian
Florencia, Montañita y San Vicente del Caguán - Caquetá
In 2018 we were winners of the II call of the “Living Peace” Fund of the German Cooperation Agency GIZ with the project “Strengthening reconciliation and coexistence through a museographic exhibition around the Antipersonnel Mines”, which we implemented in the third department with more victims in Colombia for this type of attack, Caquetá.
Thus, we promoted the collaborative creation of the itinerant museographic exhibition “Meetings that Reconcile” with more than 50 civilians, Public Force officials and People in Process of Reintegration survivors of antipersonnel mines, who in the past had developed relationships based on distrust, fear and resentment.
During 7 months participants had the opportunity to explore their strengths, life memories and prejudices, using the Kintsugi metaphor to reflect on their collective fractures and the elements that join people together and reconcile them.
In this way, and according to the Prolongar® methodology, the individual change of resentment and hatred led to transform community relations of fear and distrust.
Likewise, the creation of the museographic exhibition was a vehicle of reconciliation for the participants and visitors of the exhibition.

Fotógrafo: Diego Zamora
- 73% of the survivors participant in the project now recognize strengths and knowledge about themselves.
- 70% of the survivors participant in the project state they have no negative feelings towards members of the other groups (Public Force, civilians, PPR).
- 100% of the survivors participant in the project claimed to have been involved in the collaborative curatorship of the Museum Exhibition.
- Lessons learned and good practices were shared with governmental and non-governmental organizations such as:
- Agency for Reincorporation and Normalization
- Decontaminate Colombia
- Danish Demining Group
- Humanicemos DH
- Caquetá Museum
- GIZ Colombia
- University of the Amazon
- Head of Historical Memory of the General Command of the Military Forces