No society can be transformed through fear, mistrust, pain and lack of communication. Tools based on art and communication have proved to be valuable means that involve the cognitive and emotional dimensions of human beings, leading to behavioral changes in people and their relationships.
“The way we approach things provides the solution and begins to be part of our reality”
Peter Lang, Appreciative Approach.

Our Methodology
Our workshops and programmes are based on artistic and communication tools which enable various significant processes:
- Learning by doing and transforming through the
- Imagining and transforming realities.
- Give new meaning to experiences through metaphors and symbols.
- Working on emotional, cognitive and spiritual aspects of people.
- Communicating in non-verbal ways.
We apply different techniques based on artistic and communication practices such as:
- Plastic arts (Kintsugi, work with clay and textures, scribbling, etc.)
- Narrative and storytelling.
- Movement and dance (yoga, contemporary dance, Somatic Education approaches).
- Theater (Role playing games, orum-theater).
We have important experience in the creation and formulation of variables and indicators to measure social changes through communication and art based methodologies. Thus, we provide empirical and rigorous evidence which makes us accountable for our work and also builds effective programs with scalable methodologies.
We evaluate results by a mixed method approach (quantitative and qualitative), measuring changes in three dimensions:

Individual Dimension
- Identifying and expressing emotions.
- Mindfulness
- Self-confidence.
- Recognizing resources and strengths.
- Managing emotions.
- Resilience.
- Goal setting.
- Decision making.

Interpersonal Dimension
Awareness of Others
- Empathy.
- Discovering differences and respect for others.
- Diversity appreciation.
- Transformation of stereotypes and prejudices.
Skills for Relationships Management
- Conflict resolution.
- Active listening.
- Teamwork.
- Cooperation.
- Communication.
- Leadership skills.

Community Level
- Civic engagement.
- Goals and objectives definition.
- Advocacy spaces (participatory museographic samples, interventions in public space, community productive projects, among others).
"Thanks again for the opportunity to participate and to see the project in full action. It was very gratifying for me to see all the effort you make and how the participants have access to and enjoy VERY high quality services. Very impressive"
Hernando Sánchez Development Specialist USAID
"Prolongar® Foundation managed to unite three groups that were once adversaries or enemies. Now, they work together and build all this, which is very valuable to me"
Britta ScholtysRepresentative GIZ
“This project should be replicated throughout Colombia”
Liliana RiascosLocal Manager Descontamina Colombia