Pedagogía para la Convivencia
Saravena - Arauca
Bearing in mind that Arauca has been for many years one of the most affected departaments by the armed conflict, “Prolongar” developed, in alliance with the Office of the High Commissioner for Peace, the project “Pedagogy for coexistence and peace building in the municipality of Saravena”.
The project, developed in 2016, arose with the aim of promoting the empowerment of civil society for the implementation of peace agreements in Colombia. Prolongar promoted people’s knowledge on peaceful coexistence and peace building in the villages of “Campo Oscuro”, “Buenos Aires” and “Caño Negro”, in the municipality of Saravena.
In the project we addressed the 3 levels of the Prolongar methodology based on art and communication with 60 members of the village communities and 15 community leaders.
- We encouraged an inwards journey through the body and breathing.
- We fostered nonviolent communication for conflict resolution.
- We concluded strengthening the territory through self-managed community projects.
Likewise, we carried out a training of trainers process in the community leaders to achieve local sustainability.

- Se fortalecieron las capacidades en: autoconocimiento, regulación de emociones, comunicación asertiva, transformación de conflictos y capacidad organizativa de la comunidad.
- Se evidencia que el 100% de los participantes reconoce el fortalecimiento de sus habilidades en: la exposición de sus ideas, el respeto por las opiniones ajenas y las mejorías en sus relaciones familiares.
- Se evidencia un incremento de 77,3% de satisfacción respecto a la vereda en la que viven los participantes.
- Se evidencia un incremento de 66,9% de participación en las actividades comunitarias.